【实用】超简单 AI 绘画教程!最新 Midjourney 注册教程、使用教程!3 秒做出神级画作!人人都是神笔马良!Midjourney V5 教程

本文主要介绍  YouTube 视频里的 Midjourney 的提示词(prompt)。

AI 绘画工具 Midjourney 的注册和使用教程,请查看下面这个详细的手把手视频教程:

Midjourney 提示词

视频里提到的 MidJourney 提示词(点击复制之后,在 Midjourney 绘画服务器输入「/imagine prompt」后粘贴即可):

korean girl, idol trainee, open chest, smiling at me,--ar 1920:1080

chinese girl, idol trainee, open chest, smiling at me,--ar 1920:1080

chinese girl, idol trainee, open chest, smiling at me,--ar 16:9

romantic snowy evening in Kyiv

A woman wearing holographic cyberpunk clothing, surrounded by neon-lit cityscape reflections, vray render, ray tracing, subsurface scattering, by Josan Gonzalez and Liang Mark

A young woman with a sweet smile and bright eyes. She has long black hair that falls smoothly over her shoulders. She wears a simple white shirt and blue jeans that accentuate her slender figure. She looks like a college student who enjoys learning and exploring new things.

A Man with long beard and long hair. He was holding the galaxy in their hands on the space

staring up into the infinite celestial library, endless books, flying books, starry, sublime, cinematic lighting, watercolor, mc escher, dark souls, bloodborne, matte painting

Lofi 风格学习背景
make a home gym backgroud image, Anime, lofi, --ar 16:9

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